Trip to Montpellier - Ratcliffe College

Trip to Montpellier

Senior School | 03.05.2019

On Sunday 7th April, a record number of thirty-four students, accompanied by four members of staff, set off for a week in the south of France.  Noted for its beautiful coastline and stunning scenery, our primary aim was to practise and improve our French, which we did in three hours of intensive lessons every day, at a dedicated language school.  Staying with French families, negotiating public transport and finding their way to and from the school each day, challenged the students to use their French in situations that cannot be replicated in a classroom, and is one of the reasons why these trips are such an essential part of learning a foreign language.

Despite the most optimistic attire, poor weather put paid to our afternoon at the beach, however a game of laser quest and shopping made up for the disappointment.  Trips to the cinema to see “Let’s Dance” (no connection with David Bowie, but a French film about hip-hop dancers!), lunch in a typical French restaurant and a visit to the beautiful medieval village of Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert, were just some of the highlights.   Our last day was spent in Nîmes, and it certainly lived up to its reputation as being one of the warmest cities in France, as we admired the Roman gardens and amphitheatre in glorious sunshine.  Well done to all of the students for their exemplary behaviour and company, and to Mrs Crebbin, Mrs Mullan and
Mr Sleath for their help and support on the trip.  Our next trip will be to Nice and details will be available soon, both in the newsletter and hard copies given to students.

Mrs Cushing, Head of MFL