Art: Photography - Ratcliffe College

Art: Photography

At Ratcliffe, Photography is available to study at GCSE. This course teaches you to become involved in the creative process of art. You will become effective, independent learners, as well as critical and reflective thinkers with enquiring minds. It is a demanding subject, but it is also very rewarding.

There are two components to this GCSE course. For each, students are required to work in one or more area(s) of photography, such as:

• Portraiture
• Location photography
• Studio photography
• Experimental imagery
• Installation
• Documentary photography
• Photo-journalism
• Moving image: film, video

At GCSE, students will explore the way sources inspire the development of ideas, relevant to photography. For
instance, this might be through studying the work of photographers or looking into historical, contemporary,
social, cultural and issues-based contexts.

  • They will also gain an understanding of how ideas, themes, subjects and feelings can inspire creative responses.
  • Students will need to be able to express their ideas visually  through drawing as well as in written annotation, using
    good subject vocabulary.
  • They will develop practical skills using photographic techniques and processes such as lighting, viewpoint,
    aperture, depth of field, shutter speed and digital processes.
  • Students will also learn how to use a range of digital and graphic media and materials.