Ratcliffe College RAF team flying experience day at RAF Cranwell - Ratcliffe College

Ratcliffe College RAF team flying experience day at RAF Cranwell

All School News | 13.03.2019

Recently, five members of Ratcliffe College RAF went to RAF Cranwell for some flying experience days. Students got hands-on experience whilst wearing flying gear comprising of helmet, gloves and flying suit including parachute (which also required full emergency training) as well as a twenty minute flying lesson in which they were able to take solo control of the plane.


Year 13 Student Cadet Steven Lai said:

“The pilot even let us then try some acrobatics, such as loops, barrel rolls and for some we did stall turns.  We really enjoyed it and cannot wait for our next flying day! It was fascinating how the plane operated and how we could control it.  The most important part however was that you got to fly for FREE!”

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