Prep School Sports Report - 20th September - Ratcliffe College

Prep School Sports Report – 20th September

Sport | 24.09.2018

Wednesday 19th September


The first games of the season for our U11A team rugby squad saw them take on two powerful Prep Schools in Bilton Grange and Crackley Hall. The boys had had a great season as U10’s the previous year, only losing one game and they were determined to start their U11 campaign in winning style. And so it came to pass that from the first whistle to the last the boys were the dominant force in both games. They won both games convincingly and have set a solid foundation for the season ahead. Well done boys.


The U11B squad entered the fray of the rugby season with a few new faces taking to the pitch for the first time. The fact that so many boys were so keen to represent the school on the rugby pitch speaks volumes for the enthusiasm and dedication that is evident in all of our games lessons. The boys lost to Crackley Hall and beat Bilton Grange which was a just reward for their efforts over the first few weeks of the new season. I have high hopes for their progression as they continue to develop into a fluid force over the coming weeks.


The U10A squad took their first steps into the world of full contact rugby after a year of U9 rugby where the contact is very much controlled. They had worked extremely hard during the first few weeks of the term to come to terms with the physical demands of this next stage in their rugby development and all of their hard work paid off. They beat Bilton Grange and only narrowly lost to Crackley Hall with Thomas Bloor epitomising the new found steely spirit that the boys have developed having returned to the fray after his first tackle of the new season with a lengthy set of stud marks neatly engraved into his inner thigh. Well done boys this was a fantastic start to the season.

Thursday 20th September

U9A and B

Our youngest rugby players made their first appearance in the navy and sky blue shirts on Thursday afternoon playing against Bilton Grange and Crackley Hall. This set of boys have been champing at the bit for some time to finally be able to let off the lead into the competitive maelstrom. They did not disappoint, the power, pace and precision passing that they unleashed on the opposition was a joy to behold. Needless to say they came away with two A team victories and one B team victory after four matches which was a fabulous way to start their Ratcliffe sporting career. They have definitely got the potential to certainly emulate if not eclipse our best Prep School Rugby squads of the past in their exciting future.