Lorin LaFave talks about online safety with students and parents - Ratcliffe College

Lorin LaFave talks about online safety with students and parents

All School News | 05.02.2019

Lorin LaFave, the mother of Breck Bednar, a 14-year-old boy who tragically lost his life to an online predator in 2014, visited Ratcliffe College as a special guest speaker for a Parent Café on Tuesday 29th January 2019 and addressed Year 9 and 10 students the following day.

Lorin has been heavily involved with several police forces in the production and release of ‘Breck’s Last Game’, a promotional video which highlights the dangers of online grooming. She hopes the film, which tells the story of her son’s death, will warn young people and parents of the very real dangers posed by online predators.

A key strength for Ratcliffe College is a commitment to providing outstanding pastoral care for each and every student, hosting talks like this is an effective way to engage students and spread a positive message about staying safe online.

Mr Clement Donegan, Deputy Head Pastoral at Ratcliffe College commented:

“The wellbeing of the children and young people here at Ratcliffe is of paramount importance. Our robust safeguarding procedures help to create an environment where children feel safe to learn, play, and grow. Lorin’s talk sent a powerful message to our students and reminded them to be alert to the potential dangers online. “

If you want to find out more about pastoral care come to have a look for yourself at our Open Morning on Saturday 9th March from 9:30 – 12 noon.