Lockhart Garden Official Blessing - Ratcliffe College

Lockhart Garden Official Blessing

All School News | 21.05.2019

On Sunday 19th May 2019 staff, students, parents, governors and stakeholders gathered for the official blessing of the Lockhart garden. It was a wonderful celebration with music, food and of course some welcome sunshine.


In the summer of 2018, work began to build the Lockhart Garden. The plan for this unique space was based upon designs by Ashley Lynch, parent and landscape architect. Ashley drew inspiration for the design from Pugin’s mullion windows which surround the Garden.

The Lockhart Garden was designed as a place dedicated to the emotional health and wellbeing of the College community.


The Garden now provides a place of peace and tranquillity at the heart of the College where students, staff and visitors can take time out from their busy lives to reflect quietly or say a prayer by the fountain.

This stunning area is named after Fr William Lockhart, whose mother was one of the original and most generous benefactors of Ratcliffe College. The name Lockhart has always been closely associated with the College and for some years one of the Houses was named after him.

In 1971 it was decided to return to a four-house system and Lockhart disappeared. We are delighted that William Lockhart’s name once more will have a prominent place in the College’s history.