British Physics Olympiad Challenges - Ratcliffe College

British Physics Olympiad Challenges

Senior School | 29.03.2019

In the Spring Term, all of our Year 12 Physics students sat the AS Challenge British Physics Olympiad, a very challenging test written by members of the University of Oxford’s Physics Department. Nearly 3500 students took this test across Britain, with 14 of the entries coming from our Year 12 Physics students at Ratcliffe College. Particular congratulations must go to Jacob Dawe, who achieved a Silver Award, placing him in the top 8.5% of all the students taking the test. A further three students, Siri Sin, James Howling and Thomas Binnie, achieved a Bronze 2 Award, placing them in the top 18.9%. All of the other Year 12 Physics students at Ratcliffe achieved a Commendation Award. A total list of students, and their award, can be seen below:

Year 12 Physics Students – Results

Earlier this month, all Year 11 Triple Award Physics students sat the Year 11 Physics Challenge British Physics Olympiad, a very challenging test written by members of the University of Oxford’s Physics Department.  Congratulations to Max Chapman, who achieved a Bronze 2 Award, placing him in the top 48% of all the students taking the test.  All other Ratcliffe students achieved a Commendation Award, which they will receive in their Physics lesson next week.

Year 11 Physics Students – Results

All students in both Years 11 and 12 should be very proud of their achievements – very well done, indeed!

Mr A Chorley, Head of Science