Anti-Bullying Week 2018 - Ratcliffe College

Anti-Bullying Week 2018

Senior School | 15.11.2018

Anti-Bullying week takes place annually across the county to highlight the important message that all people of all ages should be treated with respect. In a world which is becoming increasingly divided in some respects, it’s really important that we come together to overcome prejudice and discrimination in all its forms!  Here at Ratcliffe we are proud to be a school that does not accept bullying in any form and educates it students on the topic by incorporating it into our PSHCE programme and covering a range of activities across the whole school.  This year the theme is ‘Choose Respect’.  We will be covering a range of activities, including;

 Senior School Anti-Bullying Committee (ABC) delivering a whole school assembly, including a drama production and film clips to highlight the importance of this issue.
Year 7 National and internal anti-bullying competition.
Year 8 Designing anti-bullying T-Shirts which staff will wear from Tuesday to Friday.
Year 9 External speakers educating the students on the negative aspects of anti-bullying and support structures
Year 10 External speakers educating the students on the negative aspects of anti-bullying and support structures
Year 11 Activities during tutor times
Year 12 Helping others – giving blood and bone marrow