Schedule and Fees - Ratcliffe College | Independent School Leicestershire


Registration Fee and Deposit
Registration Fee (Day) £99 Non-refundable
Deposit (Day) £1000 (£500 refundable after one term and the remainder upon leaving the school)
Registration Fee (Boarding) £125 Non-refundable
Deposit (Boarding) £5000 (£3000 refundable after one term and the remainder upon upon leaving school)

A deposit is not payable on entry to the Nursery, but will be required when the child moves to the Preparatory School.

Please note, if a student does not take up a place after confirming the acceptance of an offer and paying the deposit, the deposit will be forfeited.

As fees are payable termly in advance, the deposit will be held until the student leaves and may be used to offset charges incurred during the final term. Any balance remaining will be refunded at that time.

Day fees (2024-2025)

Day Fees Per Term Per Annum
Nursery – Cygnets and Swans (Age 3+). After-care not included – see below. £3,950 £11,850
Reception (Age 4+) After-care not included – see below. £4,466 £13,398
Preparatory School (Years 1 to 2) £4,466 £13,398
Preparatory School (Years 3 to 4) £4,666 £13,998
Preparatory School (Year 5) £5,040 £15,120
Preparatory School (Year 6) £5,820 £17,460
Senior School (Years 7 to 8) £5,820 £17,460
Senior School (Years 9 to 13) £6,862 £20,586

Cygnet and Swans (2024-2025)

Full day: 8.00 am until 3.30 pm £87
AM: 8.00 am until 1.00 pm – including lunch £47
AM: 8.00 am until 12.00 noon – excluding lunch £46
PM: 12.00 noon until 3.30 pm – including lunch £41
PM: 1.00 pm until 3.30 pm – excluding lunch £40

Please note after-care is not included in the day fees for Reception, Cygnets and Swans.

After-care is charged at £10.00 per hour, from 4pm-6.00pm.

Boarding fees (2024-2025)

Boarding Fees Per Term Per Annum
Weekly Boarding (Years 6 to 8) £8,955 £26,865
Weekly Boarding (Years 9 to 13) £10,019 £30,057
Full Boarding £13,452 £40,356


Regular Part Time Boarding Charged at £62 per night where at least one full term’s commitment is given for two or three nights in each week and at £57 per night where at least one full term’s commitment is given for four nights in each week.
Occasional Boarding Charged at £61 per night.

All Fees include a mid-day meal and afternoon tea for day students and all meals for boarders.

Fees are charged at the same rate each term, irrespective of the number of weeks in the term.

Full boarding fees include the cost of the programme of boarding weekend trips throughout the year.

Where EAL lessons are required for day and boarding students, lessons are charged at £1,020 per term.

1847 Bursary Scheme – in order to help support our public benefit as a registered charity, this one-off charge is for all new starters to the school. The money raised through this scheme each year will be used to support our 1847 Bursary Fund which will provide a life-changing opportunity, in the form of a 100% bursary, to support a child from a low-income family to come and study at Ratcliffe College. The total contribution to the fund per student for 2024-25 is £172, divided into 3 payments of £57 for the first full year at Ratcliffe College.


  • Siblings – A discount of 10% is offered for the second child and 20% for subsequent children (discount applies for children currently at the school).
  • HM Forces – Serving members receive a discount of 10%.
  • Direct Debit – £50 per student, per term, for payment using the School’s Monthly or Termly Direct Debit Scheme.

Optional Extras

  • Music tuition – £306 per term (ten 30 minute sessions) for individual tuition.
  • Hire of an instrument – £41 per term.
  • Additional teaching – Where required and agreed with parents, this will be charged at £57 per lesson.

Please note that a full term’s notice is required in writing to discontinue any optional extras.

Fee Refund and Health Cover Schemes

Fees Refund Scheme (existing students)

Fees Refund Scheme (new students)

Private Medical Insurance – AXA Healthcare

Pupil Accident Insurance Privacy Notice

Please note that the Pupil Accident Insurance Scheme is incorporated in school fees at no additional cost.

Additional Notes

  • Fees are reviewed annually.
  • For convenience, the annual fees are divided into three equal termly amounts, irrespective of the actual length of each term or amount of formal teaching in terms during which students sit public examinations.
  • One full term’s notice is required on leaving or changing status between day and boarding. Fees in lieu of notice will be charged if insufficient notice is given.
  • Fees should normally be settled by either monthly or termly direct debit.
  • Failure to pay fees will result in requesting the withdrawal of a child from School.