PSHCE - Ratcliffe College

Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education (PSHCE)

The Ratcliffe PSHCE programme is designed to furnish students with essential knowledge on a range of topical and emotive issues, crucial for their well-being. This programme aims to help students become confident, balanced, and informed members of the community.

The Core Themes:

  1. Health & Well-being: Focuses on physical and mental health, promoting healthy lifestyles and emotional resilience.
  2. Living in the Wider World: Encourages understanding of societal issues, financial literacy, and the world of work.
  3. Relationships: Covers building healthy relationships, developing communication skills, and understanding the dynamics of different types of relationships, including friendships, family, and professional interactions.

Key Features:

  • Fundamental British Values and Relationship & Sex Education (RSE): These are integral parts of our curriculum and a statutory requirement for schools to deliver. They ensure students understand the importance of self-care and coping with external events. Our RSE sessions follow the Catholic RSE curriculum provided by the Catholic Education Service, recognized as a model of good practice by the Department of Education.
  • Age-Appropriate Content: Each session is tailored to the specific needs of different year groups, ensuring relevance and appropriateness.
  • Progress Monitoring: We use additional platforms to track student progress, allowing us to evaluate and tailor lessons to best suit each student’s needs, ensuring the programme remains informative and beneficial.
  • Guest Speakers: We invite professional speakers to provide students with unique insights and inspiration on a myriad of topics.

Every Senior School student participates in fortnightly PSHCE sessions led by their tutor, fostering a positive environment for learning and addressing emotive issues.

For an outline of the sessions, this academic year, within our PSHCE programme for each year group, please click the links below.