E-Safety - Ratcliffe College


Ensuring students’ safety online, and educating them about E-Safety.

To report an incident, please complete the form below.

The online world is now an integral part of young people’s lives. Social media, online games, apps and websites are accessed via a range of different devices, providing opportunities for growth and learning, but also exposing young people to risks.

At Ratcliffe College, E-safety forms a fundamental part of our safeguarding measures. We ensure not only that our online procedures keep students safe in school, but also that we educate students and parents about how to stay safe online, both inside and outside of school.

Through assemblies, tutor sessions and PSHCE lessons, students are regularly advised on subjects such as social media and live streaming, and are actively encouraged to participate in discussion of both the benefits and dangers of being online. Helpful information and resources are also regularly shared with parents via a monthly newsletter.

At Ratcliffe College we are proud to have been awarded the Leicestershire Schools’ E-safety Award by the county council, recognising our high level of commitment to E-Safety, embedded across the school community.

We have a clear and regularly updated E-safety policy which can be found here.

E-Safety Committee

At Ratcliffe college we have a Staff and a Student E-Safety Committee, and each group meets once per half term. Our Student E-Safety Committee consists of students from each year group, from year 7 through to year 13. During meetings we discuss current issues as well as ideas for initiatives in school. The student committee also plays an integral part in the planning and delivery of our annual E-Safety week.

E-Safety Week

Each February we dedicate a week to E-Safety, which coincides with Safer Internet Day. During this week we focus on E-Safety in tutor time and PSHCE, run competitions, and the student committee delivers a whole-school assembly.

At Ratcliffe College we also annually host an E-Safety Parent Café, which aims to update and educate parents about current trends and risks, as well as allowing them to raise and discuss any issues or concerns.

Students at Ratcliffe can use esafety@ratcliffecollege.com to report any e-safety concerns. Emails sent to this address are directed to the Deputy Head Pastoral and the Staff E-Safety Committee Chair.

Parent E-Safety Training for parents of students at Ratcliffe College – please click here

E-Safety Incident Report Form

Please use the form below to report an incident of concern. A member of the Pastoral team will contact you to discuss your concern.

  • Please provide as much details as possible regarding the incident

Online Safety Videos

We are grateful for our partners at Knowsley City Learning Centres for providing these e-safety guides for use by Ratcliffe College Parents.

Setting up Parental Controls on an iOS device with Family Sharing

Setting up Parental Controls on your child’s iOS device (when you don’t have an iOS device)

Setting up Parental Controls using Google Family Link on an Android device


Setting up Snapchat Family Centre


Setting up Snapchat Privacy settings (on your child’s account)

Roblox Parental Controls and Privacy settings


Nintendo Switch Parental Controls App


YouTube Kids App


External Links:







Safer Internet Centre twitter link: @UK_SIC