Chaplaincy - Ratcliffe College


Our Rosminian Character – Love & Intellectual Integrity

Here at Ratcliffe College, we have a proud history of supporting Catholic families and those who appreciate the values espoused by Christianity. Since the mid 19th century, Ratcliffe College has been under the Rosminian Order.

Blessed Antonio Rosmini, an Italian priest and philosopher, held the foundation and operation of Ratcliffe College close to his heart, and the character of our school rests firmly upon his educational philosophy. We read in our Mission Statement three of his principles:

  1. Love is the fulfilment of the Law.
  2. We pursue perfection of human nature and perfection of the human person.
  3. Intellectual Integrity leads us to the Truth.

A loving environment, bound to intellectual integrity, are the bases upon which we seek to perfect our students’ human capabilities and their character. In a student population of great religious and cultural diversity, these bases form a great unifying force.

The work of Chaplaincy is to help staff and students meet God in their daily lives. Our Chaplaincy gives students and staff the opportunity to share their stories of faith in our weekly Chaplaincy Assembly. Staff and students are also invited to share music, word and prayer in each assembly.

Meeting God in Community Celebrations

We are blessed with two priests on staff. On important feasts of the Church, Mass is celebrated with the whole community. The Boarding Community celebrates Mass every weekend, and we are pleased to welcome visitors to our 10:30am Sunday Mass in the Church.

Each working day during term time, Mass is celebrated in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel of the Church at 7.30am.

During Advent and Lent, the school celebrates the Sacrament of Reconciliation through a presentation of student-led workshops and prayer in the Church. Priests are available to hear confessions of Catholics, or to lend an ear and bless those of other faiths.
Each year, candidates for Baptism, First Holy Communion and Confirmation are prepared and step further along their own journey of faith.

Meeting God in Loving Service

Our school motto, Legis Plenitude Charitas, is drawn from the Letter to the Romans – Love is the fulfilment of the Law. It is in loving service to those around us that members of our community share of their deepest, and find greatest unity.

Each Year we take on charities to support with awareness and fund raising. There is also a Whole School Charity that we support, raising funds through casuals days, cake sales and the Parents’ Association Spring Fair. CAFOD, Faith in Families and The Carpenter’s Arms are charities we support every year.

Staff and students also participate in service to those within and beyond our Ratcliffe community. Our Voluntary Service Unit each week visits a local Friendship Group for people with learning difficulties, the Mother Teresa Group meets weekly to sort and distribute clothing collected, our St Vincent de Paul Society works with students in the Preparatory School too, helping read and run activities during their lunch breaks.