Year 8 Extended Book Review - House Competition - Ratcliffe College

Year 8 Extended Book Review – House Competition

Senior School | 08.02.2019

The focus of the Year 8 library lessons recently has been the completion of an extended book review project. In this project, students are required to analyse all aspects of their chosen book, and are encouraged to demonstrate their response to the book by the inclusion of some creative writing and original presentation ideas.

The best projects from each teaching set are selected to compete in a House Competition to choose the most outstanding project of the year, so many congratulations to all the students who reached this level. The standard of entries was particularly high this year, with some strikingly original ideas on presentation and content, but after much deliberation, the judges felt there were four projects that particularly excelled in terms of creativity, effort and personal response to the book, and as all were of such a high standard, it was decided to recognise all four students equally.

Our warmest congratulations go to Rosie Dickerson, Lucia Orsini-Rottner, Maddie Whalley and Jessica Westwood for what were quite exceptional projects.

Four other projects by Hollie Chapman, Isabella Boothroyd, Ruby Lord and Oscar Webster were also of a very high standard and were awarded
Highly Commended certificates.

The projects will remain on display in the Emery Library until after half-term and everyone is warmly invited to come and look at them.

Mrs Williams, Librarian