CCF Half Term Report - Ratcliffe College

CCF Half Term Report

Senior School | 09.11.2018

During half-term, four cadets in year 12 completed the Senior Cadet Instructor Course (SCIC) at Beckingham training area. The course aims to develop the cadets’ leadership skills, while also giving them the skills required to teach younger cadets. The course provides valuable life skills and builds confidence after pushing cadets out of their comfort zones. They are now able to return with experience to deliver training to younger cadets. The cadets; Harry Culpin, Jacob Dawe, Dominic Baggott, and Kapil Soni, all had great success in completing the course and were deemed competent. Furthermore, two of the cadets also achieved a highly competent pass, with one being awarded ‘best in section’. These successes are representative of the cadets’ hard-work and commitment to their contingent.

Nine CCF RAF and Army cadets have had a busy four days at Inskip Cadet Centre and the Lake District with Flt Lt Helen Grant and SSI Mark Edwards. They called first into the IWM North on the way up on Monday, followed by a tough day on Tuesday (but a great one) mountain biking through Grizedale Forest with Sgt Matt Pickard and SSI Mark Edwards. The Ratcliffe cadets mixed with cadets from four other schools on the Wednesday doing a full day of activities ran by Inskip which including an abseil, climbing wall, low ropes, paintball, MTC and also the range. On Thursday morning after breakfast they then called into Blackpool on their way home for an added bonus trip to the Escape Rooms for a bit of team building!! A huge thank you to everyone who contributed to the trip and activities. Planning for a similar trip back to Inskip during May half term now underway – details will be released before then end of term.